Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fight Puppy Mills!

I read an interesting article on puppy mills. It talks about what puppy mills are, when they started, what problems are found in the dogs from puppy mills, and how the dogs or puppies are treated. It also talks about how you can fight these horrid puppy mills. A puppy mill is a large dog breeding operation where profit is given priority of the well-being dogs. Dogs or puppies from puppy mills are sold to pet shops usually at the age of 8 weeks old. I am not going to mention the problems that the dogs have because there are too many to list. If you want to know what they are click on the link I have posted. The dogs and puppies are treated awful at these puppy mills. They are housed in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions without any food water, toys, treats, exercise, basic grooming, socialization, or adequate veterinary care. The dogs are kept in small cages with wire flooring that injures their paws and legs to minimize cleanup. The females are bred over and over again so much that their stomachs are huge and nothing but flab. When she is no longer able to breed anymore, she is killed. Puppy mills began some time after World War II because of the widespread crop failures in the Midwest. The United States Department of Agriculture began promoting purebred puppies a fool-proof "cash" crop. You can help put a stop to this cruel system. Next time you want to adopt a puppy think about where they came from. I know it's a hard decision to make because you want to save them but at the same time, you are supporting puppy mills. If you want a puppy or dog, adopt one from your local animal shelter.

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